ກຳລັງສະແດງທັງໝົດ 5 ຜົນໄດ້ຮັບ

  • Basong Pearl Cake ຊາ (ຊາຂາວ)Basong Pearl Cake Tea (White Tea)

    Baksong Pearl Cake ຊາ (ຊາຂາວ)

    5.00 ອອກຈາກ 5

    ມັນເຮັດໄດ້ໂດຍການເລືອກເອົາຫນຶ່ງຕາ, ສອງໃບຫຼືສາມໃບຈາກຕົ້ນຊາບູຮານ, ດ້ວຍຫົວໃຈທີ່ຈະແຈ້ງແລະຈໍານວນຫລາຍ, ສີຂຽວສີຂີ້ເຖົ່າຫຼືສີຂຽວ emerald, ສົດໃສແລະເຫຼື້ອມ, ມີໃບທີ່ຂ້ອນຂ້າງຍາວແລະກົດດັນ, curled ເລັກນ້ອຍທັງສອງດ້ານ, ແລະມີ ripples ຈະແຈ້ງຢູ່ດ້ານໃບ. ຫຼັງຈາກເບຍ, ສີແກງແມ່ນສີສົ້ມຫຼືສີເຫຼືອງເຂັ້ມ, ແລະດ້ານລຸ່ມຂອງໃບແມ່ນເປັນເອກະພາບ, ອ່ອນ, ແລະສົດໃສ. ເມື່ອໃບຖືກແສງ, ເສັ້ນກ່າງຕົ້ນຕໍສາມາດເຫັນໄດ້ວ່າເປັນສີແດງ. ເມື່ອດື່ມ, ລົດຊາດແມ່ນ mellow, ກິ່ນຫອມແມ່ນຈະແຈ້ງແລະສົດ, ແລະລົດຊາດຫລັງແມ່ນຫວານດ້ວຍກິ່ນຫອມດອກໄມ້ແລະຫມາກໄມ້.

  • Basong Pearl Premium (ຊາຂາວ)Basong Pearl Premium (White Tea)

    Baksong Pearl Premium (ຊາຂາວ)

    5.00 ອອກຈາກ 5

    It is made by picking a bud and a leaf from an ancient tea tree. The green leaves are mixed with silver white hearts, resembling flowers. ຫຼັງຈາກເບຍ, the green leaves support the tender buds, like buds just beginning to bloom. The appearance of the heart is plump, the leaves are plump and tender, the color is gray green, and mixed with silver white hearts. The entrance has a prominent fragrance, fresh and pure, and the aftertaste is sweet and mellow with honey fragrance. The fragrance lingers on the lips and teeth for a long time.

  • ປາກຊັນ ເພັດ (ຊາຂາວ)Paksong Diamond (White tea)

    ປາກຊັນ ເພັດ (ຊາຂາວ)

    5.00 ອອກຈາກ 5

    Made from the peculiar buds on over thousand years old of ancient tea treeinLaos. It has fresh aroma, full buds, clear color, refreshing taste and tender tealeaves after being nourished by sun. Paksongdiamond is cool in nature andhassuch pharmacological effects as relieving heat, protecting liver and weight
    management.150g(5g x 30packs)

  • ຊາບູຮານ ປາກຊ່ອງ (ຊາຂາວ)Paksong Lao Ancient Tea (White Tea)

    ຊາບູຮານ ປາກຊ່ອງ (ຊາຂາວ)

    5.00 ອອກຈາກ 5

    ທ່ຽວປີລາວ 2024 Souvenir Tea is authorized by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos to be a commemorative tea for the Visit Laos Year 2024and used as a souvenir for the leaders and foreign guests who participated in the LaoTourism Year conference to showcase Laos’ unique tea culture and the importance of
    the Visit Laos Year 2024. ທ່ຽວປີລາວ 2024 Souvenir Tea is produced in southern of Laos. Tealeaves are selected from ancient tea trees that is over 300 years old and processedwithtraditional techniques. After brewing of tea, the tea colour would be clear and could
    smell the aroma of various flowers. After drinking, the aroma would remain inthethroat for a long time.

  • ກຸຫຼາບປາກເຊ (ຊາຂາວ)Paksong Pearl Tea Bags (white tea)

    ກຸຫຼາບປາກເຊ (ຊາຂາວ)

    5.00 ອອກຈາກ 5

    it is the tea harvested by pickingonlythe peak tea with several leaves from hundred-year-old tea trees, whichareplanted on volcanic soil in Paksong district. The tea is clear reddish gold, it hasa mild aroma of sugar cane and tastes soft light sweet. It has benefitstobalance sugar level in blood effectively, relieve aphthous ulcer, improve
    eyesight. When you drink regularly, it would also booster immunity of your